Professor Chris Dibben
University of Edinburgh
Contact Professor Chris Dibben
Digitising Scotland Principle Investigator
LSCS Director
SLS, Prinicipal Investigator
CALLS Hub, Principal Investigator
Chris is Director of the Longitudinal Studies Centre Scotland. He is also Principal-Investigator on the CALLS Hub and Director of the Administrative Data Liaison Service.
Chris has worked on, amongst other subjects, epidemiological studies into recovery after heart attacks, the causes of Low Birth Weight, the survival of drug misusers and the impact of air pollution. He also contributed to work on the UK NHS health funding formula and on measuring health inequalities, for example developing the Health Poverty Index for the Department of Health and Information Centre (NHS). Other work includes the development of national deprivation indices across the UK and in South Africa and evaluations of government area based initiatives. Finally he is interested in the vulnerability of communities to ‘natural hazards’.
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